On July 6, 2024, the Japan Climate Initiative (JCI) celebrated its 6th anniversary. The followings are report on the activities to date and the prospects for the coming year.
■ Achievements in the past year
1. The number of participating organizations exceeded 800 in 6 years :44 new organizations joined, bringing the total to 812
JCI, which started on July 6, 2018, with 105 organizations, has become one of the largest networks of non-state actors in Japan, with a total of 812 organizations (616 companies, 40 local governments, and 156 others) participating in six years. New participating organizations consist of 29 companies, including 10 companies listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market, 2 local governments, and 13 other organizations.
Among all JCI member companies, the number of companies working on RE100 and SBT is also increasing. Of the 88 Japanese companies participating in RE100, 62 are JCI members, and 181 of the 1,201 Japanese companies that have attained the SBTi approved targets or have committed to setting a Science Based Target within 2 years are JCI members. In addition, 93 of the 208 organizations from Japan participating in Race to Zero are JCI members.
▶ Newly joined 44 members (July 1, 2023- July 5, 2024)
▶ List of member organizations
2.JCI Proposals and Messages
2-1. Carbon pricing proposal
On December 5, 2023, JCI released “Carbon Pricing Proposal by Japan Climate Initiative (JCI) Members: Toward Simultaneous Achievement of 2030 GHG Emission Reduction Targets and Enhanced International Competitiveness”.
This proposal, which was endorsed by 186 JCI members (140 companies, 9 local governments, 37 organizations and NGOs, etc.), aims to introduce carbon pricing that can halve greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 in Japan, paving the way for its internationally competitive economy. It calls for six principles that should be fulfilled in the future design of the system, such as improving the government’s proposal at the time and bringing the schedule of the introduction forward to around 2025, aiming for a sufficient carbon price at the international level, setting a total emissions cap for targeted sectors and obligating the companies to participate in the system and reduce emissions. The proposal was announced at a JCI hosted event at the COP28 Japan Pavilion and was covered by numerous media outlets both in Japan and abroad.
On the same day, JCI Co-Representatives Takejiro Sueyoshi and Shigeo Kato sent letters to the Prime Minister, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Finance and the Minister of State for Financial Services, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Minister of the Environment, and the Minister of State for Regulatory Reform. In addition, on December 25, the JCI Secretariat attended a meeting of the Task Force for Comprehensive Review of Laws and Regulations for Renewable Energy and Other Resources and conveyed the expectations and concerns of JCI members to the Minister of Regulatory Reform, Taro Kono, requesting the introduction of more effective carbon pricing. Minister Kono made a positive comment that the government must continue to examine ways to make the pricing system more effective based on the discussion, and the government has since begun considering “early mandatory” measures.
2-2. Calling for an ambitious 2035 target that is consistent with the 1.5 ℃ goal
From May to June 2024, we solicited endorsement for the JCI message ” JCI calls on the Japanese government to set an ambitious 2035 target that is consistent with the 1.5℃ goal ” This message was endorsed by 216 organizations (153 companies, 5 local governments, 6 universities and research institutes, and 52 organizations and NGOs etc.). (The list was released on July 8, after the anniversary.)
The main pillars of the message are “Japan needs the NDC to reduce GHGs by 66% or more in 2035 and the 7th Strategic Energy Plan should be designed to achieve this goal,” and “Now is the time to improve energy efficiency and accelerate the deployment of renewable energy for a rapid transition away from fossil fuels” and proposes the phase-out of coal-fired power generation by 2035 and the transitioning away from other fossil fuels as quickly as possible by improving energy efficiency and accelerating the introduction of renewable energy. It also calls for the 7th Strategic Energy Plan to be formulated through wide-ranging discussions backed by scientific knowledge, in an open forum that includes the energy demand side and the next generation.
JCI Co-Representatives Takejiro Sueyoshi and Shigeo Kato sent the message to the Prime Minister, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Finance and Minister of State for Financial Services, the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry and Minister for Green Transformation, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, the Minister of the Environment, and the Minister of State for Regulatory Reform. We will try to set up meetings with each ministry and agency in the future.
3. Strengthening efforts of Japanese Non-state actors: events
JCI hosted the following events as a place to share the global movement to overcome the climate crisis, the pioneering experiences of Japanese companies and local governments, and enhance the efforts of Non-State Actors.
◇JCI Webinar Series #1 “Knowing Science: IPCC 6th Assessment Report Key Points of Synthesis Report and Targets/Latest Trends in Formulation of Transition Plan” (July 13, 2023)
◇JCI Webinar Series #2 “Understanding the Situation: Current Status and Challenges of Japan’s GX Policy” (August 30, 2023)
◇JCI Webinar Series #3 ” Raising Voices: Aligning Advocacy & Policy with Net Zero: What actions are required of non-state actors?” (September 28, 2023)
◇Japan Climate Action Summit 2023 (October 6, 2023)
◇Event @ COP28 Japan Pavilion (December 5, 2023)
◇JCI Webinar: “Implications of COP28: What actions should Japan take?” (January 30, 2024)
◇Business x Media Networking Event: “Communication in the age of climate change” (April 23, 2024)
◇JCI Webinar: “What should Japan’s energy policy be? Energy scenarios to achieve the 1.5 ℃ target” (June 5, 2024)
■ Upcoming activities
This year is an extremely important year that will determine Japan’s future policies, as the 7th Strategic Energy Plan and the next Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) are going to be formulated. JCI will develop activities to increase momentum for climate change measures in Japan, accelerate concrete actions by all actors, and change Japan’s reduction targets and climate change policies to be consistent with the 1.5℃ target that the world is aiming for.
1. Japan Climate Action Summit 2024
Japan Climate Action Summit 2024 (JCAS2024) will be held both in-person at the venue and online on Friday, October 18th this year, aiming to further improve the momentum for decarbonization in Japan. Details will be announced in due course.
2. Participation in COP29 (November 2024)
JCI is planning to participate in COP29, which will be held in Baku, Azerbaijan from November 11 to 22 this year.
■ Newly joined 44 members during July 1, 2023 – July 5, 2024 (alphabetical order)
〇 Companies
AGBIOTECH Co., Ltd. | Matsuya Co., Ltd. |
ALPHA SYSTEMS INC. | NTT Urban Solutions, Inc. |
ARE Holdings, Inc. | Ohisama-shinpo-energy.Co., Ltd. |
BeaconLink LLC | Orient Corporation |
e-dash Co., Ltd. | PRONEXUS INC. |
EDO KAGURA Corporation | Rating and Investment Information, Inc. |
GEDF Co., Ltd. | RedMARS\ADVenture, Inc. |
GMO Payment Gateway, Inc. | SKILLUP NeXt, Ltd. |
GridBeyond Limited | SKYLARK HOLDINGS CO., LTD. |
HARA TRADING CO., LTD. | South Pole Japan |
JOA Holding Co., Ltd. | Zeroboard Inc. |
Kawasaki mirai energy | ZOZO, Inc. |
〇Local government
Katsushika city
Musashino City Government Office
〇 Others
Atsugi Citizens’ Power Station
Climate Integrate
climatecase japan
Corporate Action Japan
General Incorporated Association Media is Hope
Japan Environmental Lawyers for Future
Japan Workers’ Co-operative Union
Japan Youth Platform for Sustainability (JYPS)
Studio Ichigo
Sustainable Management Forum of Japan
SWiTCH Association of Sustainability
Tokorozawa Environmental People’s Association
Tottori University of Environmental Studies