
216 Japanese non-state actors call for an ambitious 2035 tar…

8 July 2024 <Release> The list of endorsers for the JCI’s Message JCI calls on the Japanese government to set an ambitious 2035 target that is consistent with the 1.5-degree ...

Join a JCI message: Japan needs 2035 emissions reduction tar…

The Japan Climate Initiative (JCI) invites all non-state actors, including corporations, local governments, organizations, NGOs/NPOs, etc., to endorse the following message. <Jo...

[Updated to 210 endorsements, May 24th] JCI's Carbon Pricing…

UPDATE – May 24th, 2024: After the release on December 5th, 2023, 24 more JCI signatories endorsed the message and the total was updated to 210. Endorsement application was closed....

JCI Proposed the Introduction of Carbon Pricing at the Inter…

On Monday, December 25, 2023, the Japan Climate Initiative (JCI) Secretariat attended a meeting of the Task Force for Comprehensive Review of Laws and Regulations for Renewable Ene...

JCI Message Published in the Japan Times Hiroshima G7 Summit…

JCI published an article on the JCI message “Overcoming Two Crises with Renewable Energy and Carbon Pricing” released on April 12, 2023, in the Hiroshima G7 Summit Spec...

Press Conference in Sapporo: JCI Message Endorsed by 303 Org…

The Japan Climate Initiative (JCI) held a press conference in Sapporo on April 12 about the release of the JCI message “Overcoming Two Crises with Renewable Energy and Carbon...

303 Non-State Actors Joined the JCI Message: Overcoming Two …

<Release> The list of endorsers for the JCI’s Message JCI’s Message to the World on the Occasion of the G7 Summit in Japan Overcoming Two Crises with Renewable Energy and Car...

Join a JCI message calling for stronger climate action in th…

日本語 Application is closed on 31th March. The Japan Climate Initiative (JCI) invites all non-state actors in Japan including as businesses, local governments, NGOs and organizations...

[June 17, Updated to 300] Non-State Actors call for accelera…

  UPDATE – June 17th, 2022: After the release on June 3rd, 15 more JCI signatories endorsed the message and the total was updated to 300. Message from Japan Climate Init...

Alliances for Climate Action in Nine Countries Join Together…

On October 30, 2021, the Alliances for Climate Action (ACA), an international alliance of domestic alliances of subnational and non-state actors from nine countries, including the ...