On December 11, 2024, the Japan Climate Initiative (JCI) visited Environment Minister Keiichiro Asao and handed over the JCI message, “JCI calls on the Japanese government to set an ambitious 2035 target that is consistent with the 1.5 ℃ goal,” endorsed by 236 JCI member organizations.

Mr. Kato, Co-representative, requested the Minister that in addition to the JCI message delivered this time, the government should reflect the calls for the high emission reduction targets and renewable energy targets raised by non-state actors, mainly companies inside and outside Japan, such as the Japan Climate Leaders Partnership (JCLP), RE100, Clean Energy Buyers Association, and SEMI, in the next NDC and the 7th Strategic Energy Plan of Japan. In addition, he stated that in order to simultaneously achieve the benefits of promoting economic growth, ensuring energy security, and breaking away from dependence on expensive fossil fuel imports, as well as carbon neutrality, a transition to clean energy through the expansion of renewable energy is imperative.

JCI members, Mr. Kitahara of Brother Industries and Mr. Hikima of Sophia University, spoke from the perspective of their respective efforts about the importantce of ambitious government targets and policies for companies, universities, financial institutions, and others to achieve the 1.5℃ target, and also expressed concern about the impact on international competitiveness and Japan’s position in the international community, and stated their support for the JCI message.

Minister of the Environment Asao stated that he would like to continue discussions while listening to the opinions of various stakeholders, including companies and young generations, in order to achieve net zero by 2050, and expressed his hope that cooperation with non-state actors from other countries will also be promoted.

Click here to see the JCI message and a list of endorsing members.

■Visitors (in alphabetical order):
[JCI members]
Takeo Kitahara, Principal, Environmental Climate Change Strategy Department, Brother Industries, Ltd.
Masashi Hikima, Masafumi Hikima, CFA, Professor and Executive Director of Finance, Sophia University

[JCI representatives and secretariat]
Sergio Kato, Co-representative, Japan Climate Initiative (JCI)
Tomomi Hirakami, Liaison Coordinator, Renewable Energy Institute
Ken Tanaka, Climate and Energy Group Officer, WWF Japan
Eriko Yamashita, CDP Worldwide-Japan Lead of Cities, Disclosure