COP29 (29th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) was held in Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan from November 11, 2024, with the session extended by two days to November 24.
The agreement on new climate finance targets after 2025 was a major issue this time, and as a result of difficult negotiations, it was decided that developed countries would mobilize USD300 billion per year by 2035, from both public and private. However, this amount was not satisfactory to developing country Parties.
In addition, at last year’s Global Stocktake, important matters such as transitioning away from fossil fuels, tripling renewable energy, and doubling energy efficiency improvement were agreed upon. This time, an agreement regarding the implementation of the Global Stocktake results was scheduled to be reached, but due to the influence of climate finance targets that developing Parties are dissatisfied with, the adoption was not made and the plan was postponed to COP30 next year.
Meanwhile, progress has been made in the long-running negotiations on Article 6 of the Paris Agreement: carbon markets, and the rules that define the methodology and mechanisms have finally been finalized. This will start the carbon market under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement.
One of the highlights of this conference was the momentum to make the next NDC (Nationally Determined Contributions), including the 2035 reduction target, more ambitious, which each country is to submit by February 2025. During COP29, non-state actors from around the world were working to convey their unwavering commitment to climate action to make a positive impact on the negotiations.
Many members of the Japan Climate Initiative (JCI) also attended the conference, where they shared the efforts of Japanese non-state actors through holding events, speaking at the stages, and having dialogues with domestic and international stakeholders, and deepened their learning by connecting with peers from around the world.
Please click the following links to move to each section in the page.
■Wednesday, 13th Novemeber:COP29 – Moving from Pledges to Progress hosted by Race To Zero and We Don’t Have Time
■Thursday, 14th November:Accelerating tripling renewable energy hosted by EFChina, TARA
■Friday, 15th November:Green Actions for a New Chapter in Achieving Net Zero hosted by Ministry of Environment (MOENV), Taiwan Climate Partnership(TCP) and Taiwan Research Institute (TRI)
■Saturday, 16th November:ACA Day hosted by Alliances for Climate Action
1. From the Ground Up: Leading Climate Ambition Through Coordinated Multi-Level Action and Data-Driven Policy
2. Uniting for Change: Collective Advocacy From a Whole-of-Society Perspective in Argentina, Chile, Japan, UAE, USA, and Viet Nam
■Thursday, 21st November:Path to 1.5℃ Target: Japanese Non-State Actors Taking on Challenge of Decarbonization hosted by Japan Climate Initiative
2. Stakeholder dialogues
■Friday, 15th Novemebr: ACA Learning Sessions
■Saturday, 16th November: Race To Zero, CDP
■Monday, 18th November: SBTi
3. Publications
■JCI policy advocacy featured as one of the good practices in progress report on “Integrity Matters”, the recommendation report on net zero commitments by non-state actors.
■JCI’s carbon pricing proposal is included in the case study report of climate policy advocacy by non-state actor alliances from six countries published by the ACA.
■Wednesday, 13th November:COP29 – Moving from Pledges to Progress hosted by Race To Zero and We Don’t Have Time
As the world’s largest coalition of non-State Actors – learned how the Race to Zero continues to mobilize net zero leaders across society to not only set ambitious targets, but move from pledges, to plans and ultimately – emission reductions. From JCI, Takashi Yamanishi, EVP CSSO, Fujitsu Limited joined the discussion.
◇Date & Time: 17:30-18:00(22:30-23:00 JST), Wednesday, 13th November
◇Place: COP29 Climate Hub
◇Language: English
Jane Eisenhardt, Engagement & Acceleration Manager, Race to Zero
Camila Fernandez, Expert Peer Review Group Manager, Race to Zero, Climate Champions Team
Takeshi Kuramochi, Senior Climate Policy Researcher, NewClimate Institute
Perla Martínez, Urban Climate Action Manager, Tecnológico de Monterrey
Takashi Yamanishi, EVP CSSO, Fujitsu Limited
■Thursday, 14th November:Accelerating tripling renewable energy hosted by EFChina, TARA
The event discussed recent success stories and best practices in countries of Asia of developing renewable energy and discuss collaboration opportunities to contribute to the global goal and the region’s transition pathways.
◇Date & Time: 17:30-19:00(22:30-24:00 JST), Thursday, 14th November
◇Place: COP29 Regional Climate Foundations (RCF) Pavilion
◇Language: English
Welcoming remarks:
Zou Ji, President and CEO, Energy Foundation China
Isabelle de Lovinfosse, Head of diplomacy, Tara Climate Foundation
Kairos Dela Cruz (Executive Director, Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities) Philippine: Generating political ambition for rapid RE deployment
Khalid Waleed (Research Fellow, Sustainable Development Policy Institute) Pakistan: Rapid deployment of off-the-meter solar
Tomomi Hirakami (Japan Climate Initiative) Japan: Strengthening business voices to call for strong RE demand (Tomomi Hirakami, Japan Climate Initiative)
Zou Ji (President and CEO, Energy Foundation China) China: Enhance Power Supply Security and Renewable Share in the Grid by Increasing Flexibility Resources- Suzhou Case
■Friday, 15th November: Green Actions for a New Chapter in Achieving Net Zero hosted by Ministry of Environment (MOENV), Taiwan Climate Partnership(TCP) and Taiwan Research Institute (TRI)
In 2025, countries will need to set more advanced and ambitious NDCs to meet the Paris Agreement. In addition to national governments taking overall action on climate issues, how should local governments and private organizations mobilize nationwide climate action to accelerate the net-zero transition, promote the achievement of 2030 interim targets, and realize net-zero? Three speakers including Sergio Kato, JCI Co-representative shared their experiences.
◇Date & Time: 11:20-12:05(16:20-17:05 JST), Friday, 15th November
◇Place: Conference Hall at MOENV (Kato joined online from Baku)
Sergio Shigeo Kato, Co-representative, Japan Climate Initiative
Axel Michaelowa, Research Director, Perspectives Climate Group
Paul Peng, Chairman, Taiwan Climate Partnership
Minister Chi-Ming Peng, Ministry of Environment of Taiwan
■Saturday, 16th November:ACA Day hosted by Alliances for Climate Action
1. From the Ground Up: Leading Climate Ambition Through Coordinated Multi-Level Action and Data-Driven Policy
This session focused on how the combination of scientific analysis and collective advocacy from diverse subnational voices can shape and implement impactful climate policies. During the event, ACA also unveiled the report A Whole-of-Society Approach to Collective Advocacy: Evidence from the Alliances for Climate Action, featuring powerful case studies from Argentina, Chile, Japan, the UAE, the U.S., and Vietnam, showcasing real-world examples of how united efforts can lead to ambitious climate solutions.
◇Date & Time: 16:00-17:00(21:00-22:00 JST), Saturday, 16th November
◇Place: WWF Pavilion
◇Language: English
Manuel Pulgar Vidal, WWF Climate & Energy Global Practice Leader
Ramiro Fernández, Campaigns Director, UN High Level Champions of Climate Action for COP29
Urszula Kasperek, Head, CHAMP National Engagement, C40 x GCoM Joint Program
Ryna Cui, Associate Research Professor and Acting Director, Center for Global Sustainability, University of Maryland
2. Uniting for Change: Collective Advocacy From a Whole-of-Society Perspective in Argentina, Chile, Japan, UAE, USA, and Viet Nam
This event highlighted six case studies from Argentina, Chile, Japan, the UAE, the USA, and Vietnam, showcasing how subnational governments, civil society, and businesses unite to influence national decarbonization strategies. From JCI, Sergio Kato, JCI Co-representative shared its policy advocacy case with the audience from across the world.
◇Date & Time: 17:30-18:30(22:30-23:30 JST), Saturday, 16th November
◇Place: WWF Pavilion
◇Language: English
Pilar Bueno Rubial, Undersecretary of Climate Change and Just Ecological Transition of Rosario, Argentina
Claudio Castro Salas, Mayor of the city of Renca, Chile
Sergio Kato, Japan Climate Initiative (JCI) Co-representative, Japan
Hợp Vũ Thị Bích, Executive Director Center for Sustainable Rural Development (SRD), Viet Nam.
Frankie McDermott, Chief Operating Officer, Sacramento Municipal Utility District
■Thursday, 21st November:Path to 1.5℃ Target: Japanese Non-State Actors Taking on Challenge of Decarbonization hosted by Japan Climate Initiative
For the world to achieve the 1.5℃ target, it is essential that non-state actors such as companies, local governments, universities, and youth groups accelerate all possible climate actions. In addition, in order to simultaneously realize a sustainable society that coexists with nature, the whole society must work together.
At this seminar, member organizations participating in the Japan Climate Initiative (JCI), a coalition of non-state actors actively working on climate change measures, took the stage to share their latest efforts in Japan and globally and future enthusiasm from the perspective of each sector.
Furthermore, as the range of efforts requiring non-state actors expands and deepens, such as not only climate change measures but also biodiversity conservation, how should Japanese non-state actors enhance their actions to contribute to global decarbonization? Member organizations discussed this issue with guests from international organizations: Race to Zero and Climate Group.
◇Date & Time: 14:00-15:15(19:00-20:15 JST), Thursday, 21st November
◇Place: Japan Pavilion
◇Language: English
◇Program & Speakers:
1.Opening Remarks
Sergio KATO, Co-representative, Japan Climate Initiative
2.Panel session
Camila Fernandez, Regional Engagement and EPRG Manager, Race to Zero
Michihiro KISHIMOTO, Corporate Officer / Environment Strategy Director, Environmental Strategy Planning Division, Hitachi, Ltd.
Akira KONO, Representative Director, Executive Vice-President Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, NYK LINE
Yuji ORUI, Chief Analyst, Executive Managing Director, In charge of special missions for Sustainable Finance, Rating and Investment Information., Inc.
Preeti SRIVASTAV, Group Head of Sustainability, Asahi Group Holdings, Ltd.
Moderator:Miyako ENOKIBORI, Associate Director, CDP Worldwide-Japan
3.Closing Remarks
Toby Walker, Senior Manager, International Advocacy, Climate Group
2. Stakeholder dialogues
■Friday, 15th Novemebr: ACA Learning Sessions
Initiatives from each country participating in the ACA gathered and held multiple sessions to share and learn from each country’s experiences and knowledge. The session held on November 15th led by JCI shared knowledge gained from policy advocacy activities that JCI has implemented wih other countries. Participants showed high interest and had engaging and lively discussions.
■Saturday, 16th November: Race To Zero, CDP
JCI companies and youth members had a dialogue with Ramiro Fernandez, Campaign Director of the UN campaign Race To Zero, and Jane Eisenhardt, Engagement Lead of the UN campaign Race To Zero about trends and challenges of net zero actions among non-state actors, especially companies around the world.
On the same day, we also held a dialogue with Nicolette Bartlett, Chief Impact Officer of CDP, and received information on the future prospects for using data collected by CDP.
■Monday, 18th November: SBTi
JCI members had a dialogue with Tracy Wyman, Chief Impact Officer of SBTi. Ms. Wyman shared the progress of the ongoing internal disucussion of the Scope 3 Guidance and future plans, and expressed her expectation that Japanese companies would proactively submit their opinions to the public consultation scheduled to start in January next year. Participants proactively asked questions, leading to lively discussions.
JCI’s active efforts to build relationships with the United Nations, relevant organizations, and coalitions of non-stateg actors in other countries have led to opportunities to disseminate information about its activities internationally.
■JCI policy advocacy featured as one of the good practices in progress report on “Integrity Matters”, the recommendation report on net zero commitments by non-state actors.
Read the report
■JCI’s carbon pricing proposal is included in the case study report of climate policy advocacy by non-state actor alliances from six countries published by the ACA.
Read the report
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