
3rd Anniversary of Japan Climate Initiative - Achievements a…

On July 6, 2021, Japan Climate Initiative (JCI) reached its 3rd anniversary. The developments and the achievements made during the 3rd year and the future developments that are pla...

Revisions of Declaration and Criteria for Participation

Japan Climate Initiative (JCI) was established on July 6, 2018, with 105 member organizations. In the past three years since then, the number of JCI members has grown more than six...

JCI message calling for raising Japan's 2030 reduction targe…

The JCI message “Calling for an Ambitious 2030 Target for Japan to Realize the Paris Agreement Goal”, which was announced on April 19 with endorsements by 291 members o...

[Archived Video] Japan “Race to Zero” Business Roundtable Ev…

On April 19, 2021, the United Nations COP26 High-Level Champion for Climate Action, Nigel Topping, convened Japanese business leaders to organize a roundtable event to showcase cli...

JCI Comment on Japan’s new GHG target by 2030

Japan Climate Initiative (JCI) released a comment in response to an announcement by the government.   Prime Minister Suga today announced a new GHG emission reduction target o...

JCI's Statement to Call for an Ambitious 2030 Target for Jap…

*The total number was updated from 290 to 291 by adding “CONSUMERS. JAPAN” (21 April, 2021).   19th April, 2021 Calling for an Ambitious 2030 Target for Japan to R...

92 corporations calling on the Japanese government to raise …

  On 18th January, 2021, total of 92 Japan Climate Initiative (JCI) member corporations who support either RE100, SBT, CDP, TCFD released a message calling on the Japanese gov...

JCI member companies had a meeting with Minister of the Envi…

On Friday, December 11, 2020, executive officers of six member companies of the Japan Climate Initiative (JCI) (Sony, Nippon Electric, Hitachi, Kirin Holdings, Ajinomoto, Nomura Re...

JCI launches “JCI Race to Zero Circle” as an approved offici…

Race to Zero launched by UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) in June this year is a global campaign that rallies commitments to net-zero carbon emissions...