RTZ webinar for Japanese Universities
Decarbonization promoted by universities – Join the Race To Zero –
The Japan Climate Change Initiative (JCI), EAUC and Race To Zero Universities and Colleges are co-organized the following webinar to promote university’s decarbonization efforts.
Race To Zero is a global campaign promoted by UNFCCC to call on non-state actors such as businesses, cities, investors and universities around the world to commit to halving emissions by 2030 and realizing net zero by 2050 at latest, and to taking immediate action to achieve the goals.
JCI has launched the JCI Race To Zero Circle as an official partner of the Race To Zero and is promoting the participation of non-state actors from Japan in Race To Zero.
This webinar was co-organzed with Race to Zero for Universities and Colleges, a global initiative as a Race To Zero official partner to promote university participation in Race To Zero and EAUC serving as secretariat of the initiative.
JCI and EAUC introduced the significance of university participation in Race To Zero and how to participate. Also, Oxford University, Chiba University of Commerce, and the University of Tokyo, who have already participated in Race To Zero, introduced their efforts toward Net Zero. About 100 people working on decarbonization of universities participated.
With this webinar as an opportunity, JCI will support the participation of Race To Zero from Japanese universities and accelerate their efforts for decarbonization.
You can see the speaker materials from the “Slide PDF” in the program below.
Click here for the archived video.
*The audio of the English interpretation will be clear about 3mins after the start of the video.
Date: Tuesday 24th May 2022 at 1630 – 1800
Fee: Free
Online Tool: Zoom Webinar
Language: Japanese/English simultaneous interpretation is available
Welcome – Ken Tanaka, Climate and Energy Group Officer, WWF Japan and Japan Climate Initiative Secretariat
Opening Keynote from the National Government
– Mitsuhiro Doishita, Director, Environment and Energy Division, Research and Development Bureau, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
– Reo Kawamura, Director, Office of Global Environment and Decarbonizing Innovation Research, Ministry of the Environment
*You can see the presentation materials in the links below
1. What is Race to Zero – Yuhei Tsukamoto, Project Manager, CDP Worldwide Japan and Japan Climate Initiative Secretariat Slide PDF
2. Barriers and Opportunities for Universities that join Race to Zero – Fiona Goodwin, Deputy CEO, EAUC – The Alliance for Sustainability Leadership in Education and Race to Zero for Universities and Colleges Secretariat Slide PDF
3. Good Practice from University of Oxford-Harriet Waters, Head of Environmental Sustainability at University of Oxford Slide PDF
4. Good Practice from Chiba University of Commerce – Sachihiko Harashina, President, Chiba University of Commerce (CUC) Slide PDF
5. Good Practice from University of Tokyo Slide PDF
– Tatsuya Okubo, Executive Vice President, The University of Tokyo
– Yasunori KIKUCHI, Associate Professor, Institute for Future Initiatives, the University of Tokyo