Japan Climate Initiative (JCI) was established on July 6, 2018, with 105 member organizations. In the past three years since then, the number of JCI members has grown more than sixfold. As stated in the declaration announced at the time of the establishment, JCI is a network of non-state actors that “pledge to stand at the forefront of global challenges in order to realize the decarbonized society envisioned by the Paris Agreement.”. As the climate crisis became more serious and the global climate efforts progressed over the past three years, what is required of JCI ‘s pledge to “stand at the forefront of the challenge” is changing.
As the third anniversary of our establishment approaches, JCI revised the declaration and set actions that are required to be taken for the member organizations.
Any non-state actors in Japan (corporations, local governments, NPO/NGOs, and other organizations) are invited to participate in JCI by agreeing with the revised declaration and confirming that they have taken at least one of the required actions described in the following. The application form to become a member is available in Japanese on the website.
These criteria will not be applied to the existing member organizations for the time being (approximately for the next two years).
■Declaration (link to the top page of the website )
■Actions required of each organization for participation (one of the following must be taken before participation.) PDF
1. Committed to RE100, SBT, or Race To Zero.
2. Listed in the CDP A List.
3. Participated in the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative (NZAM) or Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance.
4. Endorsed TCFD.
5. Set and disclosed either or both of the following targets.
– reduce of Scope 1 and 2 GHG or CO2 emissions by 46% or more (compared to 2013 levels, including targets comparable in a different base year) by 2030.
– increase renewable energy sources to at least 40% of its own electricity use by 2030.
6. Established and announced its policy to work toward the realization of one of the following goals as stated in the revised declaration: net-zero GHG emissions by 2050, halving GHG emissions by 2030, or using 40-50% of renewable energy sources by 2030.
*Notwithstanding the above, JCI reserves the right to refuse participation if the organization’s participation would be judged to undermine JCI’s reputation as a network that are taking a leading role in addressing climate change.
■ Application Form (only Japanese)