
Race To Zero released its 2023 Progress Report

Race To Zero, a global campaign promoted by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), released its 2023 Progress Report on December 6. The 2023 Progress R...

Videos & Slides available: Japan Climate Action Summit 2…

■See the program and speaker’s materials ■Recorded videos: – Opening~ Panel Discussion Session1&2 – Top Leaders Session ~ Call to Action / Closing ■See the speaker ...

[Videos & Slides available] JCI Webinar: Raising Voices …

  JCI held a series of webinars to introduce and discuss on domestic and international trend about climate change prior to the Japan Climate Action Summit 2023 planned to be h...

[JAPANESE available] Race To Zero 5th P Handbook

The Japan Climate Initiative (JCI) has released a provisional Japanese translation of the 5th P (Persuasion) Handbook released in June 2023 by the Race To Zero. Race to Zero is a g...

5th Anniversary of the Japan Climate Initiative: Achievement…

■Introduction On July 6, 2023, the Japan Climate Initiative (JCI) celebrated its 5th anniversary. Looking back when JCI was established, there were some concerns about how this coa...

JCI Message Published in the Japan Times Hiroshima G7 Summit…

JCI published an article on the JCI message “Overcoming Two Crises with Renewable Energy and Carbon Pricing” released on April 12, 2023, in the Hiroshima G7 Summit Spec...

Press Conference in Sapporo: JCI Message Endorsed by 303 Org…

The Japan Climate Initiative (JCI) held a press conference in Sapporo on April 12 about the release of the JCI message “Overcoming Two Crises with Renewable Energy and Carbon...

303 Non-State Actors Joined the JCI Message: Overcoming Two …

<Release> The list of endorsers for the JCI’s Message JCI’s Message to the World on the Occasion of the G7 Summit in Japan Overcoming Two Crises with Renewable Energy and Car...

Recorded Video available | Transition Plans: What, why, when…

On March 28th, 2023, Japan Climate Initiative (JCI) in partnership with the Transition Plan Taskforce, UN Principles of Responsible Investment, ClientEarth, GFANZ, and the Universi...

Sergio Shigeo Kato joins JCI as Co-Representative

The Japan Climate Initiative (JCI) is pleased to announce that Mr. Sergio Shigeo Kato (former Senior Corporate Officer, Ricoh Company, Ltd.) joined JCI as Co-Representative. As Ric...